Saddle # 1000 now Sold !!
Finally made it folks DEC 2015 ,My one thousandth saddle before the year was out,Thankyou for all the support for all the ones that went before this one.
This one was a bit special ,it is a 15 1/2'' converted cutter on a Rawhide wood tree ,deep seat high front 5'' cantle with front binding ,semi to standard Quarter horse fit ,Red tan colour with a plait border,old style fenders,hand sewn cantle binder ,double Dee SS rigging with a back angled Dee to Y rig and sewn down back housing (jockey) shaped hard seat,Pelican horn is not for Roping sorry,Copper finish longhorn Conchos with SS dees under and 4 saddle ties ,easy grip barrel stirrups.Yours for $2800.00,now sold sorry,was a 1 off.